
Hi & Welcome to Style and Savings!

My vision for this blog is to illustrate ways to live stylishly without spending more than necessary.

About Me:

  • Recent grad who is still in love with college life, but facing the transition into the grown-up world
  • Weekday Accountant, Weekend Style Blogger

Style Profile:

I would describe my style as classic and conservative. I am usually in business casual fashion or a simple outfit of skinny jeans a sweater and ballet flats. I like to be stylish but comfort comes first!


Blog Inspiration:

During college summer vacations Mommy suggested that I write a blog and I would whine that I had nothing interesting to write about. Fast forward to this past summer: I discovered a blog about thrift shopping in Cincinnati and realized that discount shopping is also a hobby that I enjoy and could also blog about.

Also, one day a friend complimented me on my style while we were sitting outside of a cafe.  I was quick to tell her that my Starbucks frappuccino was from the half-price happy hour and the magazine I was reading came from the library. I’m always proud to announce when I find a good deal!

Being a savvy shopper is a skill  I learned at a young age from shopping with Mommy –heading straight for the clearance section before shopping the full-price racks is a habit I will always have.

Accounting is not just about taxes and spreadsheets, it is also about cost reduction. This cost cutting mindset can apply to fun things like a new outfit from H&M or a thrift find in perfect condition.


And feel free to share your comments and savings tips !







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