
Glossies Made Me Do It – The Bold Type

I look forward to receiving the latest issues of Redbook, Essence & Oprah each month. Glossy magazines are what I would call an affordable luxury. Picking up a magazine from the newsstand is an easy way to brighten your day, but if you find yourself buying the same magazine each month – becoming a subscriber offers huge savings compared to the cover price (Read more on this topic here ).

This month’s post is inspired by the fictional Scarlet magazine of The Bold Type, a new show on Freeform network.

Image result for the bold type freeform

This scripted series follows best friends  Kat, Jane & Sutton who work at Scarlet magazine (a Cosmo type of publication) in New York City.

Just based on this, I was drawn in – how many of us bloggers  dreamed of a glamorous job at a magazine when we were younger? I’m sure some of this was fueled by rom-coms like 13 Going on 30 and  How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

In The Bold Type’s pilot episode, Jaqueline the editor in chief is introduced not face to face, but by an intimidating close up of her heels as she walks down the hall. I was expecting a Miranda Priestly character (I’m finally reading Revenge Wears Prada – The Devil Returns , sequel to The Devil Wears Prada). I was happily surprised to see that Jaqueline is not that way at all. From what I’ve seen in the first few episodes, she is authoritative but never mean, condescending or disrespectful. She is tough, but only in a way that pushes Jane to be a better (and bolder) writer.

In just the first 3 episodes, these young women face heavy issues, which is a reflection of how real-life glossy magazines like Cosmo and Teen Vogue are becoming more political and socially aware.

Women are multi-faceted and want to keep up with current fashion trends and current events.

A recent episode of the podcast on Stuff Mom Never Told You titled “How Teen Vogue Got Woke” credits the rise of Elaine Welteroth to the editor position as the main influence on Teen Vogue’s new content.


11:30 A.M.: "There's only about 45 minutes between events, so I have to make every second at my desk count. I shoot off a few priority emails, make edits to a story layout for an upcoming issue, and have a quick working lunch at my desk with my team to go over the day's to-do's."

Photo credit:


Although Freeform (formerly ABC Family) is known for teen programming, this show is edgy and doesn’t feel too young for viewers over 20. If you liked Lipstick Jungle or Sex And The City, you will like this show too.

The Bold Type has become my favorite show of the summer and I’m excited to keep watching as the three friends navigate their careers and romances while learning who they are & who they want to become.


Glossies Made Me Do It – April 2017

Glossies made me do it...!Welcome to the April edition of “Glossies Made Me Do It” link-up. Here’s what I’ve been reading.

The Oprah magazine article  “Shelf Awareness” pg. 63 made me feel guilty for all of the old cosmetics I’ve kept. I know that makeup expires, but it’s so hard to toss out something that’s not empty yet.

Another article in this month’s Oprah called “Kinder, Gentler” on pg. 96 made me happy.

Of all the verses and rules people like to memorize and quote, the Golden Rule is the only one I need.

When we learned it in kindergarten, the teachers would tell us to put on our “good manners gloves”. We would recite ” Do unto others as you want them to do to you” as we traced each finger of the imaginary gloves.

During wedding planning, I became interested in wedding etiquette and occasionally I like to read this blog/advice column on manners for an entertaining take on everyday situations.

Seeing Hilary Duff on the cover of Redbook made me remember how much I liked the show “Lizzie McGuire”

I  watched the first 2 seasons of “Younger” and I love that her character Kelsey is also someone viewers can imagine being friends with. Kelsey is ambitious, confident, and a risk -taker, but also has insecure moments and dating struggles. My favorite thing about her is that she believes in helping other women succeed.

Image result for younger, tv land

That’s all for this month! If you missed March’s Glossies, you can find them here.

Glossies Made Me Do It

Glossies made me do it...!

I read several magazines each month and often find myself pinning recipes and decorating ideas from their pages. When I discovered this fun, monthly link-up “Glossies Made Me Do It” (“Glossies” are what our British friends across the pond call magazines – especially those related to fashion & beauty) I knew I wanted to join in.

Glossies Made Me Do It is hosted by Cat Eyes and Skinny Jeans, Shooting Stars Mag, and Happy, Pretty, Sweet starting on the 1st Friday of the month through the 24th

Here’s what I thought of  March’s magazines:


This ad for Maybelline’s  The 24K Nudes made me think of  Urban Decay’s Naked 3 pallet.  Have any of you beauty bloggers tried it?


“Gooey, Crispy, Melty and Glorious Grilled Cheese” on page 130 made me pull out the panini press to make my own sandwich creation. This mix of cheese, bacon, guacamole and tomato was so melty and messy it had to be eaten with a knife and fork.




“The great plastic basket makeover” on page 20 made me want to decorate.  I love that this basket looks so simple and cheap to make (#styleandsavings). Craft Cord comes in a variety of colors – you can choose one to match your color scheme.  


Join the “Glossies Made Me Do It” link-up  through March 24th and come back on the first Friday of next month for April’s issues.